On Grid or off Grid Firstly, we should probably explain just what a grid is. A grid is a network that supplies electricity to consumers. Nothing is too complicated - it's the vehicle which supplies electricity to businesses and residences. But what’s the difference between on-grid and off-grid? Before you make decision, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons. On grid Solar System On-grid solar systems allow you to connect your solar panel system to the electrical grid. Electricity generated by the solar panels is put into the grid during peak production. It is stored and then recovered whenever needed. On Grid systems do not require a battery, because the grid acts as the battery. With "net metering", the utility meter spins backwards and credits the solar system owner for their energy production to keep track of it. Advantage Using renewable energy on the grid avoids most, if not all, the disadvantages of being off grid. The utility is like...