What is the Difference Between Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Solar Panels?
Solar panels take advantage of a powerful yet free energy source - the sun. In a single hour the sun transmits more energy to the earth's surface than the world uses in a year. Our guide outlines how you can use solar panels to make use of this free source of energy to generate electricity and hot water for you home. Types of solar panels The two main types of active solar panel systems are Monocrystalline Panels ,Polycrsytalline Panels (also known as multicrystalline)
The differences between these two types of solar panels relate to the manufacturing process rather than product characteristics. Monocrystalline solar cells are produced from a single crystal of silicon while polycrystalline solar cells are produced from a piece of silicon consisting of many crystals.
The solar cells in monocrystalline panels are slices cut from pure drawn crystalline silicon bars. The entire cell is aligned in one direction, which means that when the sun is shining brightly on them at the correct angle, they are extremely efficient. So, these panels work best in bright sunshine with the sun shining directly on them. They have a uniform blacker colour because they are absorbing most of the light. Pure cells are octagonal, so there is unused space in the corners when lots of cells are made into a solar module. Mono mono panels are slightly smaller than poly panels for the same power, but this is only really noticeable on industrial scale installations where you may be able to fit a higher overall power with monocrystalline.
Polycrystalline Panels (also known as multicrystalline)
Polycrystalline panels are made up from the silicon offcuts, moulded to form blocks and create a cell made up of several bits of pure crystal. Because the individual crystals are not necessarily all perfectly aligned together and there are losses at the joints between them, they are not quite as efficient. However, this mis-alignment can help in some circumstances, because the cells work better from light at all angles, in low light, etc. For this reason, I would argue that polycrystalline is slightly better suited to the UK’s duller conditions, but the difference is marginal.
The appearance is also different you can see the random crystal arrangement and the panels look a little bluer as they reflect some of the light. Since they are cut into rectangular blocks, there is very little wasted space on the panel and you do not see the little diamonds that are typical of mono or hybrid panels. Some people prefer this more uniform appearance, others like the diamonds. The choice is yours because the overall size and cost is very similar to monocrystalline.
Want to know more about solar panels or solar system, please check our website www.eco-worthy.com.
Great pleasure reading your post.Its full of information, thanks for sharing.
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